Monday, October 31, 2005

Gallery Night

My Friday Oct. 21 was a crazy busy day. I had my first broadcast club show, where I ran camera 2. Then I went right to a swim meet against Northwestern. We lost. Immediately after the meet, I went to the Third Ward, in downtown Milwaukee, to photograph Gallery Night for The Leader. These four photos were used as part of a photo essay in the Oct. 26 publishing.
Milwaukee Market

I got to take a trip to the new Milwaukee Market which opened Oct. 15. Inside I found an array of different foods, from produce, to fresh fish, to breads, to wholesale soybeans. It is a new and exciting addition to downtown Milwaukee.

I took these pictures on assignment for The Leader. They were published on Oct. 26 along side the article titled "New market appeals to Milwaukee's culinary hip," by Joseph Petrie.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Journal #4

An interpretation of a few i
deas presented in Susan Sontag's essay "In Plato's Cave."

"A photograph passes for incontrovertible proof that a given thing happened" - Susan Sontag
Photography is a tool that is widely available to everyone. It is a tool that allows us to capture anything. The things we capture in pictures seem somehow more important to us than the things we don't capture. To us, the images we make become evidence to our lives, frozen in time for all to see.

A couple ways photography can be used as evidence:
  • Evidence of family memories
  • Evidence of travel


Capturing and recording memories of families is one of the earliest uses of photography, according to Sontag. Photographs become proof of a family’s memories. Parents take pictures of their children. Couples take pictures of themselves to remember the moments they’ve spent together. A photograph becomes a tangible thing that people can hold on to, display, and pass around to one another.
Every holiday my family spends together, a camera is always present. Usually it’s my mom who is using it. She is constantly snapping photos us my sister and I opening presents at Christmas, or blowing out candles during birthdays. The pictures that are taken during these holidays become a way for us to look back upon these days as proof that they occurred.

My mom with presents she receved on her 47th birthday.


When people travel someplace out of their normal routine, especially for pleasure, it seems unnatural for them not to bring a camera along. “Photography will offer indisputable evidence that the trip was made, that the program was carried out, that the fun was had” (Sontag). Cameras are something you would almost expect to see with someone who is on a vacation.
A camera is something that I never travel without. I often have to bring a completely separate bag just for the camera and all the stuff that goes with it. On the trips I photograph everything. The people I’m with, the places I go, and the things I do. When I come home from these trips the pictures I shot are used as tools to show other people the things I’ve done. They become my evidence that I went outside my normal routine life.

Various photographs from trips I've taken.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Journal #3

Le Trahison des Images by Rene Magritte

The above painting by Rene Magritte represents the difference between an objest and the accual thing itself. The french writing in the painting roughly translates to "this is not a pipe." In fact it is not a pipe, but rather a painting of a pipe. You could not smole the above painting. You could only smoke the object that Magritte painted.

This is the same for photography. A picture of something is not the same as the accual thing. A picture of a person is not really that person. Instead, it is more a representation of that person frozen in a moment in time. A picture is a way of showing something, but it is not the actual thing.

Monday, October 10, 2005


When you go to classes do you always know who you sit next to? Are they always your friends, or just random people? For a week I carried my camera around to every class and photographed the people I sit next to. In this document, can you tell who are my friends, and who I didn't know until I snaped a photo of them?


JMC 201 - Englemann 105 - 8:00AM to 8:50AM

ITALIAN 145 - Business N110 - 10:00AM to 10:50AM

JMC 232 - Johnston G23 - 1:00PM to 3:40PM


GEO SCI 100 - Lapham 162 - 9:00AM to 9:50AM

JMC 201 - Johnston G23 - 10:30AM - 12:20PM


ITALIAN 145 - Business N110 - 10:00AM to 10:50AM

GEO SCI 100 - Lapham 241 - 1:00PM to 2:50PM


GEO SCI 100 - Lapham 162 - 9:00AM to 9:50AM


ITALIAN 145 - Business N110 - 10:00AM to 10:50AM